Without A View
first thing he noticed as he slowly came awake was the itchy straw beneath his
nose. The second was the dry, dusty smell and the complete lack of sound. The
third was being naked. Thinking some of his senses weren’t working properly,
and that he was really lying on his soft mattress and not some lumpy, prickly
pile of straw, Ray blinked a couple of times and slowly lifted his head. A soft
glow over to his right gave him enough light to figure out he most definitely
wasn’t at home, but that was all it showed him.
dry and scratchy voice was lost in the gloom. No one answered him, but Ray
wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not. He pushed up onto his elbows,
conscious about his lack of clothes, but worried more about why he couldn’t
remember where he was or how he’d gotten there. He remembered the pub he’d gone
to and the few drinks he’d had. He even remembered a guy trying to pick him up,
which had been a nice surprise, but after that… Searching his memory, the only
other recollection was of taking a shortcut through the park, and then nothing.
Until now.
room felt dank and cool enough to have Ray shivering, but he ignored it,
twisting into a sitting position so he could have a better look around. From
what he could see, the room appeared small, about eighteen feet square, and
from corner to corner it was filled with straw. The glow he’d first spotted
came from a tiny lamp high up in the corner. Not bright enough to be a regular
light, it must have been some sort of night light, like the type parents
plugged into their children’s bedrooms so they wouldn’t be afraid of the dark.
exactly like that child, Ray cautiously stood. The room swayed, and a brutal
roll of nausea curdled his stomach, forcing him to take in a deep breath. After
a minute of silent cursing, he checked his body, thankful to see no cuts or
bruises, though he did notice his shoulders were sore, and there was an ache
around his chest. Other than that and him being buck-ass naked, there were no
signs he’d been mistreated, but that knowledge didn’t bring him any relief
because he still didn’t know where he was or why he was here.
again, this time not from the cold, Ray moved toward the light, hoping to find
something that would show him a way out. With his ankles buried in a thick
layer of straw, he took each step slowly. Even so, he nearly tripped and fell
as his foot hit something hard and unyielding, except it wasn’t that hard or
unyielding. It moaned and reached out, grabbing his foot and toppling him onto
his back. For a few frantic heartbeats Ray lay stunned, then instinct kicked in
and he lashed out, trying to break free.
barely heard the growled words. He twisted, fighting hard, but the iron grip
around his ankle tightened to the point of pain, and then, as if his efforts
were nothing more than a nuisance, Ray felt himself being dragged along the
floor and pinned by a thick forearm across his chest.
said stop struggling.” The deep voice close to his ear possessed a menacing
edge, and the force with which the arm held him down increased. “I won’t harm
you if you stop.”
Okay, but get off me.” Ray tried to sound reasonable, but panic bubbled deep in
his veins, and with each passing second he found it harder to breathe.
are you?” In the darkness of the room, it was difficult to make out the
features of the man who held him down, but it was pretty easy to see he was
just as bewildered by what was going on as Ray was.
name’s Ray. Now get off me, please.” He tried to push away, but was instantly
seized around his arms.
are we?”
don’t know. I just woke up. Same as you.”
a few seconds, Ray wasn’t sure what the guy was going to do, but then with a
low mutter and a single curse, he let Ray go and sat up. The relief of no
longer being pinned down overrode Ray’s fear, and instead of scrambling to his
feet, he pushed himself into a sitting position and drew his legs up. The man
shifted, putting a few inches between them, and in the overhead light Ray saw
him run his hands through his dark hair.
the last thing you remember?”
question wasn’t all that much of a surprise, and despite the other guy’s
initial explosive reaction, it eased some of Ray’s concerns knowing he wasn’t
the only one here. But he disliked feeling at a disadvantage, and offering up
all the information definitely put him in that category.
don’t you tell me your name first?” he asked, needing to know who he was
dealing with.
guy looked at him and then slowly got to his feet. He towered over Ray, but he
would have done that even if Ray were standing. His sheer size wasn’t a
complete surprise, considering the strength and ease with which he’d held Ray
down, but Ray still stared as the guy took a deep breath and filled out his
chest before lifting his arms and stretching them over his head.
protocol told him to keep his gaze on the man’s pecs or at least no lower than
his hard, ripped stomach, but he couldn’t help it. They were right there, in
front of him, and if Ray was on his knees, they would be at perfect face level.
So he looked. It was only a quick glance, but it was enough to take in the dark
patch of curly hair, the thick, long cock, and the pair of large, hairy, heavy,
swinging balls. Savoring the image, Ray prided himself on not drooling or
whimpering, or in any way reducing his self-respect by reaching out and
fondling them. God they looked so ripe, so full, so fucking delicious, it was
hard not to want to run his tongue over them, to have them in his mouth,
tasting them, sucking on them, ravishing them.
Ray looked up to see the man staring at him, and even in the darkness it was
obvious he wasn’t happy about Ray ogling him.
name is Greg.”
a little like a pervert, Ray got up and sheepishly brushed away some of the
straw clinging to his legs. He was half inclined to say sorry, but decided that
would only make things more awkward. “The last thing I remember is being in the
park,” he offered instead.
nodded, as if Ray’s answer was as he expected. He shifted to the right, toward
the corner of the room, checking the integrity of the wall as he moved. “What
followed, keeping him in sight. “I don’t know. It wasn’t too late, around ten I
didn’t see anyone, talk to anyone?” At the corner Greg started down the side
wall. It was darker along there so Ray hung back, keeping closer to the light.
at the pub. I was supposed to meet some friends from work, but when they
realized it was full of gay men, they left early.”
stopped and looked over his shoulder. In the shadows it was hard to see his
expression. “Why didn’t you leave?”
it was full of gay men.” Ray lifted his chin as he said that. He’d never hidden
who he was, and he had no intention of starting. Not even when confronted by a
guy with an attitude and the physical capability of flattening him. Pride may
be a bitch, but he’d earned it, and he wasn’t giving it up easily. However,
when Greg started back toward him, Ray almost wished he’d kept his mouth shut.
you propositioned? Did anyone buy you a drink or offer to go home with you?”
was this, an interrogation or something? “Does it matter? That’s not going to
help us find a way out of here.”
not going to find a way out of here.”
do you mean?”
won’t find our way out because none of the other men did.”
piece of ice slid slowly down the length of Ray’s spine and ended up somewhere
in his balls. He felt them shriveling to the size of acorns, and he had to
fight the instinct to feel if they were still hanging.
other men?”
shook his head. “Just tell me what you remember. Did anyone buy you a drink?”
the hell is going on, Greg? You know where we are, don’t you? And you also know
why we’re here.”
both hands behind his neck, Greg paced toward the far wall before coming back.
His face was grim, and from what Ray could see, all of Greg’s muscles were
tense. “No. I don’t know where we are, but yes, I do know why we’re here. Or at
least I thought I did. From what we know they’ve never taken two men
before―only one―but this changes things, and I don’t like it one bit.”
every word Greg uttered, Ray had a feeling he’d fallen into some rabbit hole.
Since waking up, he’d tried hard not to think about why he’d been abducted and
imprisoned, he’d tried even harder not to freak out, to totally lose control,
and he thought he’d managed it, but now he could feel himself coming apart,
inch by slow inch.
are they?”
don’t know.” Greg let out a breath and then dropped his hands. As he did so,
Ray noticed him wince, but Greg’s sore shoulders weren’t Ray’s concern right
here’s an easier question. Who the fuck are you?”
hesitated, as if he wasn’t sure he should divulge that little bit of
information, but then he capitulated, though his reluctance was obvious. “I’m a
cop. Undercover.”
Greg for real? An undercover cop? “So it was your intention to get
yourself captured and thrown in here?”
shrugged, the width of his shoulders emphasizing the movement. “Because it’s my
job, and these guys need to be stopped.”
what?” Ray pressed his back into the wall, its coldness exacerbating the chill
filling his chest. “What’s going to happen to us?”
don’t know. The others…” Greg shifted, putting himself closer. “The others were
asked to perform sexual acts before they were released.
acts?” Ray felt his legs go weak, and right then was glad of the wall behind
him. “Fuck!”
it’s not that bad―”
that bad! Are you kidding me? We’ve been put in here so some deviant can have
his way with us! How can that not be bad?”
could have been brought here to be tortured.” The calm tone Greg used set Ray’s
teeth on edge. He pushed away from the wall and stormed up to the bigger guy.
not fucking funny. You better find a way of getting me out of here because I’m
not getting it on with you or anyone else.”
isn’t a way. I told you. No one has gotten out of here until they’ve complied
with the captor’s instructions, which was to jack off. That’s all they had to
shook his head and straightened to his full height. He still came ridiculously
short of Greg’s six foot odd inches, but he didn’t care. “But there are two of
us. You said only one man at a time had been brought here before, right?”
we’re aware of, yes.”
it makes sense to assume they’ve upped their game. They must have gotten bored
with just one guy, and now they want to perv on two, and I doubt it’s to watch
us jack off together.”
didn’t take a genius to figure Greg had come to the same conclusion, and by the
look on his face he wasn’t any happier with the idea than Ray was.
sorry, but there was no way we could have known they were going to change their
tactic. The team I was working with has been watching the park for weeks,
waiting for a chance to catch them taking off with someone. When nothing
happened I set myself up as bait. We didn’t expect them to take anyone else,
not when I was an obvious target.”
your team was watching you, then they should know where you are. Weren’t you
carrying a tracking device?”
it look like I’m carrying a tracking device?” Greg scowled, but Ray couldn’t
tell if it was from being questioned or from the way Ray gave him a quick
meant before you were stripped.”
We didn’t think we would need one. Each victim’s last recollection was of being
in the park before they found themselves in here. Once they’d done what they
were asked to do they were dumped back in the park, so that’s where we focused
our attention.”
in Greg’s tone changed, and it triggered Ray’s suspicions. “What’s the last
thing you remember?” he asked. It wasn’t that he suspected Greg was lying, but
he was sure there was more Greg wasn’t saying.
dropped his dark gaze and then reached up to rub the back of his neck. He
winced once again and rolled his shoulder, reminding Ray of his own aching muscles.
wasn’t the park. I was supposed to meet up with my team outside, and we were
going to set up the sting, but I was still a couple of streets away.”
you stop to talk to anyone?” The flash of amusement on Greg’s face caught Ray
by surprise, and when he smiled, Ray almost smiled back. “What?”
very composed. Most guys I know would be freaking out by now.”
am. Trust me.”
mouth turned up a little, but then he sighed. “I don’t remember talking to
anyone. Everything after I hit Oxford Street is gone.”
where I was, at the Lion’s Den.”
you didn’t know it was a gay bar? Oxford Street is pretty much full of them.”
This time Greg’s amusement was plain to see. His eyes lit up and there was a
show of teeth, and even as Ray watched, Greg’s muscles visibly relaxed.
only just moved to the area, and I’m not familiar with the city.”
these guys are, and they must have been watching you come from that direction.”
you think they’re deliberately targeting gay men?”
that’s why I volunteered.”
admission said it all, and it pretty much alleviated Ray’s anxiety. However,
something else Greg said bothered him. “But why were you snatched before you
got to the park? These guys wouldn’t have changed their MO unless they had a
good reason. So what made you special?”
don’t know, but it doesn’t matter. At the start I was prepared to do what they
wanted, but that was before they brought you in. Now they can go fuck
burrowed deeper into the straw, curling up into a ball before wrapping his arms
around his shoulders in an attempt to preserve some warmth. Tired, hungry, and
shivering so hard his bones were aching, Ray wasn’t sure how much longer he
could last. In the unrelenting darkness he’d lost track of time, but he was
convinced they’d spent close to two days stuck in this godforsaken hole, and
that was two days too many. He wasn’t blaming Greg―just the opposite―but there
had to be a limit to their suffering, didn’t there?
you okay?”
voice drifted across the width of the room along with the sound of rustling
straw as he moved.
I’m fucking freezing. I can’t believe it’s so cold.”
not that cold, but why don’t you come over here and I’ll keep you warm.” Greg’s
invitation had Ray’s body twitching. He could almost feel his skin breaking out
in goose bumps at the thought― unless that was the cold sticking him with
ice-like needles.
just said you weren’t. Come on. We can share body heat.”
tightened his jaw, mainly to stop his teeth from breaking apart from the
constant chattering, but also to hold back on a soft moan. Sharing body heat
with Greg meant plastering himself against all that skin, and Ray didn’t think
he had the ability to do that without his body betraying him.
couldn’t have known such circumstances as these would inspire friendship, but
during their long conversations to distract themselves, he’d started to like
Greg. The man was determined and smart, but most of all he’d encouraged Ray to
keep his spirits high. The problem was, Ray had also found himself attracted to
Greg. At one point he thought he’d accidentally let on how he was feeling, but
Greg hadn’t shown any signs of noticing. However, there would be no chance of
hiding it once he was cuddled up in Greg’s arms.
Are you coming over here, or do I have to come and get you?”
Torn between what could be an embarrassing moment or lying there and freezing
to death, Ray reluctantly forced his limbs to move and pushed aside the thin
layer covering him.
glacial concrete floor beneath his feet barely registered as he skirted around
the small drain they’d found in the middle, though what it was used for Ray
didn’t know, considering they hadn’t found any running water, or anything else
of value in here for that matter. There was only the straw and the small box of
supplies Ray was trying not to think about.
he reached where Greg lay he heard him shifting again, and then in the low
light he saw a glimpse of Greg’s smile. He hesitated, just for a second, and
then dropped to his knees and crawled into a literal body of warmth.
you’re hot,” he murmured, wishing he’d had the nerve to do this earlier.
I think you’re kind of hot too.”
almost groaned as he realized Greg had taken his statement the wrong way. “No,
I mean you feel hot,” he stammered.
chuckle whispered across Ray’s ear, eliciting a tiny spark of flame. “I know what
you meant. Now come here.”
within Greg’s arms, Ray practically melted, and as he’d guessed, it wasn’t the
heat Greg generated that caused his body to instantly defrost. Ray knew being
pressed up against Greg was going to affect him but he hadn’t realized how
much. He felt a little light-headed, and he was sure a part of his brain had
shut down because all he could think about was getting closer.
nodded, though conflict rippled through every fiber. All Greg was doing was
trying to help him, and all Ray was trying to do was sneak a free feel. “Yes,
should have said something.” Greg tightened his arms and rested his chin on
Ray’s shoulder. The rasp of stubble against Ray’s cheek reminded him of how
long they’d been imprisoned, but he certainly didn’t mind that Greg felt
comfortable enough to get so familiar.
make you think I was a wuss?” He hated the idea of appearing so weak, so he’d
been careful not to show it. However, he was beginning to fail, and fast.
I don’t think that. You’ve been incredibly resilient. What we’re going through
would have caused most men to cave.”
was silent a moment, and then Ray felt a subtle change in his breathing.
“That’s because the choice isn’t mine.”
do you mean?” Ray turned his head a little and could have sworn Greg pressed
firm lips against his jaw before sighing.
made a mistake. They’ve never kept anyone this long before, and with no food or
water I don’t think waiting them out is going to be an option.”
you want to give in?” Holy shit. Did that mean Greg wanted to make love to him?
No, of course he didn’t. It wouldn’t be making love; there couldn’t be anything
tender or personal about it. It was simply a way of getting out of here: a
possibility Ray had deliberately tried not to think about.
not a case of giving in, but I can’t force you to stay here indefinitely.”
not forcing me.” Actually, being locked up the last few days had been far less
of an ordeal than Ray expected, mainly because Greg had been there to reassure
him. He’d never met a man more considerate and compassionate, well, certainly not
one who was also gorgeous.
not, but I knew what I was getting into, so if we do anything, it’s your call.”
course. I would never make you do anything you don’t want to.”
grateful for the chance to make that decision, Ray wanted to take into account
Greg’s sentiment. It wasn’t as if they could pretend it was a simple hookup; or
maybe that was exactly what they had to do.
it bother you, being with someone you don’t know?” he asked.
makes you think I don’t know you? For the past few days we’ve done nothing but
talk. I know a lot about you, and I like you.”
liked him? Ray smiled because it was more than he’d anticipated.
like you too.”
then it shouldn’t be so bad if we end up doing the dirty.”
couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled up from somewhere deep, and despite the
awkward situation, he felt himself relax. That was until Greg pulled him close
again and then placed a light kiss on his shoulder.
was impossible to think it was anything other than a kiss because Ray knew the
difference between an accidental touch and a deliberate act, but why would Greg
kiss him? Unless…
I haven’t made my mind up yet.”
know. I’m sure you’ll let me know when you do.”
you’re not making advances right now?”
sorry. I didn’t mean… Well, I did mean, but not the way you think.”
twisted in Greg’s arms until he was facing him. It wasn’t as if he could see
his expression, but he had a feeling Greg thought he was upset, and Ray wanted
Greg to know he most definitely wasn’t. He held back saying so though, not sure
how Greg would take it if he suddenly started kissing him back.
the kiss was because…”
rested his forehead on Ray’s, and his light breaths ghosted across Ray’s cheek.
“Because I wanted to. I’ve been wanting to for the past couple of days, but
under the circumstances it didn’t seem appropriate, however…”
what?” Something in Ray’s chest hiccupped, and he found it hard to concentrate.
Was Greg really saying what he thought he was saying?
“Now that I’ve got you in my arms, I can’t help it. You feel
so good, and you tempt me far more than any man has done for quite a while, but
if you don’t like it―”
no, I liked it.” Realizing he sounded a little overeager, Ray winced. He didn’t
want Greg thinking he was too brazen when in reality he was generally reserved,
especially around men who were seriously sexy, like Greg.
but I’m not kissing you as a means to try and push you into anything. That
decision is still yours.”
know, and I appreciate that.” Ray flattened his palms against Greg’s chest, not
at all surprised when hard muscles flexed beneath his touch. “Not many men
would be so honorable.”
don’t feel honorable. I want to kiss you again, but this time not just on your
visualizing several different places Greg could kiss him, Ray only just managed
to stop a small whimper. He hadn’t expected Greg to want him, not like this,
but as Greg continued to hold him, Ray started to wonder what it would be like
have Greg’s hard body holding him down, of yielding to Greg’s intense pounding,
of crying out as an orgasm shook him to his core.
if I said yes?” he asked, his voice whisper quiet in the stillness of the room.
I’d ask if you were sure because―”
am, okay. I know the consequences, I know there’s a chance what we do will be
uploaded onto the net. You’ve warned me, but I honestly don’t care.”
should care. I don’t want you to regret anything, and I don’t just mean us
being plastered all over a gay sex site.”
The way Ray was feeling right then, the only thing he’d regret was not getting
the opportunity to find out if Greg was as good as Ray imagined. “I won’t.”
breathing changed then, and the beat of his heart increased. “Then I think you
should be the one to make the first move.”
didn’t have to think twice, not when offered such an enticing proposition. He
leaned in, lifted his chin, and found Greg’s lips with his own. They were warm,
firm, open, and inviting. Ray moaned, pushing closer, dipping his tongue
inside, taking what he’d been dreaming of for days. The soft glide of Greg’s
tongue on his was like silk, igniting parts of him that had lain dormant for
too long. He moaned again and slid his leg between Greg’s, seeking both heat
and confirmation Greg wanted this just as much as he did.
wasn’t disappointed. Greg’s cock pressed hard and heavy into his hip, while
Greg’s balls rested softly against the top of his thigh. Ray shivered and then
pushed his hand between them, caught up in a need he could no longer deny.
so full.”
Ray. A little less squeeze.”
But he wasn’t, and there was no way he was letting go, not when he could feel
them subtly retract and drop with each beat of Greg’s pulse. It was like
holding something living in his hand, something animated.
balls are your thing?” Greg asked, amusement lacing his voice as he subtly
shifted to allow Ray more room.
nodded, feeling a little weird because he’d never actually admitted his
obsession to anyone before, but the way Greg seemed okay with it gave him a
little confidence. “I love licking them, and having them in my mouth,” he
murmured, feeling his face flame even as he said it.
know what I like?” Greg asked while pushing Ray onto his back and leaning in
close to his ear. “I love rimming.”
Ray almost had an orgasmic meltdown, his hole fluttering as if Greg’s tongue
was already pressed against it. “Seriously?”
I’ve never met anyone who… I mean I’ve never… Never mind.”
low chuckle stopped Ray’s babbling, but he moaned when Greg pressed warm lips
against his throat. Butterflies shot through his stomach, and as Greg slid his
hands around Ray’s hips and dragged him so he lay completely under Greg’s hard
body, Ray just about floated.
we get out of here, when neither of us are hungry, and we don’t have to think
about being videoed, maybe we can try something more with each other.”
That was about as much as Ray got out before Greg pushed his thighs apart and
moved between them. He lost his hold on Greg’s balls, but he could feel them
herded up against his own. “Yeah,” he repeated, not really caring what he was
agreeing to.
now though, stay here. Don’t move, okay?”
nodded, but then made a sound of protest as he felt Greg pull away. “Where are
you going?”
the supplies.”
he’d almost forgotten the little box they’d found in one of the corners. It
contained a bottle of lube and a condom, along with a note suggesting that in
order to be released one of them needed to get his ass fucked. That note had
pretty much been the nail in the coffin, even if they hadn’t come to the same
conclusion. Holding out hadn’t gained them anything, but while Ray waited for
Greg to come back, he wondered if complying would be any better. What if they
were never let go?
heard Greg returning and welcomed the presence of Greg’s body as the other man
crawled in beside him.
me?” Greg asked, snuggling up close.
instantly pulled him into his arms and pressed his face into Greg’s warm neck.
“Yes, I did,” he mumbled, feeling more than a little insecure right then and
needing Greg to take that away from him.
what’s wrong?” Greg put Ray onto his back and lifted his chin. In the shadows
it was impossible to see what Greg was thinking, but from his tone he sounded
I just…” He shrugged, not sure how to explain how he was feeling. “I want you,
but I’m not sure I should.”
you most definitely should. In case I haven’t made it clear, I want you too,
Ray. And just so you know, having your ass is only a part of it.”
Ray shook his head. “What do you mean?”
told you I liked you, and I do. This may not have been the ideal circumstance
in which to meet, but after this is over I’d like to see you properly, for a
date, and I was hoping you’d feel the same way.”
you.” Amusement once again threaded through Greg’s voice, but Ray couldn’t see
what was so funny. Did Greg seriously want to go out with him?
don’t think―”
don’t have to. Not right now. We can talk about it when we’re safely out of
here. Until then, can I make love to you, please?”
way Greg put it, the way he cradled Ray in his arms, it was impossible to deny
him, not that Ray had any intention of doing so. He linked his arms around
Greg’s neck, pulling him down until their lips were almost touching.
response was to slowly bridge that final distance and tease open Ray’s mouth
with his tongue. Ray let him in, relishing the gentle pressure, the soft
insistence, and Greg’s unique tenderness. He’d shown it in everything he’d done
the past few days― the way he’d treated him, encouraged him, spoke to him― and
it was something Ray really appreciated now. Trusting Greg, Ray spread his
thighs, and Greg lightly settled between them.
stomach did a flip, and a shot of electricity zapped down his spine. Focusing
on the sensation, he moaned, totally absorbed in the feel of Greg’s skin on
his, and the tightly bound strength that layered beneath it.
love the way you moan,” Greg murmured as he stroked down the length of Ray’s
hip. “It sounds so sweet and sexy.”
you should make me moan more then,” Ray whispered back.
stilled. “Is that a challenge?”
smiled while tightening his hold around Greg’s neck. “Nope, it’s a request.”
Greg started placing little kisses along his neck, it sent another shock of
pleasure rushing over Ray’s skin. He moaned, and Greg did that soft chuckle Ray
was beginning to adore. Instinct had him tilting his head to the side to give
Greg more access, and Greg took full advantage, dipping his tongue into the
hollow between Ray’s neck and his shoulder until Ray whimpered.
the sounds you fucking make. I can’t wait until I can spend some proper alone
time getting to know every inch of your body. I bet I’ll be able to make you
in a deep breath, Ray nodded. “Probably. You’ve already got me wound up so
tight I feel like I’m going to explode.”
Greg pulled back a little, as if he were searching Ray’s face.
been thinking about you touching me, holding me like this. I’ve been imagining
how your skin would feel, how soft it would be, and I’ve not stopped wondering
what it would be like to have you buried deep inside me.” With every word
uttered, Ray felt his muscles tense and his heart race. It was as if he were
getting ready to jump off a cliff: frightening and exhilarating at the same
time. He’d never experienced such a heady rush, but he instinctively knew Greg
was the cause. He squirmed beneath the weight of Greg’s body, impatient, needy.
“Please, Greg. I want you now.”
got me,” Greg told him. “I just hope I’ve got you.” The last was murmured low
enough that Ray wasn’t quite sure if he’d heard it correctly, but before he had
chance to ask, Greg reached back to grab the small bottle of lube that had been
left for them, and Ray’s concentration focused solely on what was going to
happen next.
Greg flicked open the lid, Ray held his breath, and then let it out on a gasp
when a cold glob of liquid hit his ass
I should have warmed it up first.”
okay. Just spread it around quickly.”
here I was thinking you liked it slow.” Greg’s voice held both tenderness and
humor, something Ray had already learned was part of Greg’s nature. He grinned,
and for the first time truly relaxed, knowing that not only was Greg going to
treat him with the utmost care, but also with a level of indulgence.
do normally, but right now I want it hard and fast,” Ray replied, beginning to
lose himself in the sensation of Greg’s finger slowly circling his hole.
you want, babe. This is all about you.”
to his word, Greg pushed his finger in deep, spreading the lube before adding a
second finger and stretching Ray in earnest. Ray lifted his hips, encouraging
Greg to open him further, offering himself so Greg would know this wasn’t just
about him, but about both of them.
ready,” he said, need making him impatient.
didn’t argue, and within seconds Ray heard the foil of a condom packet being
torn open. Cursing the darkness that prevented him from seeing Greg fully, Ray
reached out and was greeted with a very hard cock covered in skin as soft as
silk. He tracked up the long length, catching a drop of moisture from its tip.
Impulse had him bringing the drop to his mouth, and he moaned in appreciation
as the flavor burst on his tongue.
Greg sounded breathless, which brought a smile to Ray’s lips. He sat up a
little, and as Greg started to roll the condom on, Ray palmed the heavy balls
he simply couldn’t keep away from.
going to make me come if you keep doing that,” Greg protested.
any other time, I’d love to try. Now though, I want you in me.”
dark shadow looming above him moved, and Ray lay back down.
this?” Greg asked, spreading Ray’s legs and pushing them back so Ray was
completely exposed and vulnerable. Yet he didn’t feel that way, he felt safe
and protected and wanted. Greg shifted closer and then slowly pressed the thick
head of his cock past the tight ring of Ray’s hole. Ray hissed at the slight
burn, but welcomed the intrusion, loving the feel of Greg’s solid length
filling him, owning him.
Greg held himself still, giving Ray a chance to adjust, and that was just one
more way Ray found Greg’s level of concern completely endearing.
I’m fine. More than fine actually.” He raised his hand to stroke along Greg’s
cheek, and as he did so, Greg turned his head and kissed Ray’s inner wrist.
Ray’s heart skipped a beat at the simple gesture, recognizing the intent behind
for me to move?”
you don’t, I’m going to.”
reply was lost as he pulled back slightly before thrusting back in. Ray gasped
and then moaned, urging Greg to do it again. He raised his hips a little to
allow Greg to slide deeper, and on the next thrust, Greg’s swollen cock hit
that perfect spot inside, and Ray saw fireworks. Greg must have known because
he continued at the same angle, increasing his speed until Ray couldn’t think
forgot about the discomfort of the straw beneath him, of where they were and
why they were there. All he could grasp was the sensation of Greg’s hard body
above him, of the gentle, soft words Greg uttered, and the fearsome potential
he felt in Greg’s arms.
Ray. I’m coming.” Greg started to slow, but Ray quickly wrapped his legs around
Greg’s waist and desperately held him in place.
stop. Don’t you dare fucking stop.” He clung tighter to Greg, whimpering as his
body rushed toward a pinnacle of pleasure he hadn’t expected. He could feel it
in the insistent tingle down his spine, in the hard knot in the pit of his
stomach, in the tightening of his balls, and in the unrelenting pins and
needles pricking every inch of his skin.
It was a warning and a plea, and as Greg responded to it with a combination of
intensity and tenderness, Ray fell headlong into an orgasm more potent than
he’d ever thought possible. He cried out, caught up in the wonder and beauty
and the incredible knowledge that Greg was right there with him.
barely felt the warm spatter of cum across his stomach and chest, but he swore
he could feel himself being filled with Greg’s heated release, even though he
knew it was all being captured by the condom. Greg moaned, a low, subtle sound
that Ray would have been happy to hear over and over, and as Greg slowly
collapsed on top of him, he wanted to see if he could get Greg to moan like
that again.
me that was good for you,” Greg murmured, his breath choppy and uneven.
grinned into the darkness and dropped his legs, fully sated yet itching for
another opportunity to have Greg inside him, and soon. “It was amazing.”
it was.” Greg moved to take up some of his weight and then pulled out softly,
removing the condom and discarding it before rolling onto his side and
gathering Ray back into his arms. “So do you want to do it again?” he asked.
yes, but next time I…” Ray paused, realizing he was about to ask for something
Greg may not be prepared to give. Greg may have said he liked him and that he
wanted to see him outside these four walls, but that didn’t mean he was thinking
of anything more.
time… what? Because whatever it is, I’ll give it to you.” Greg sounded so
sincere, it was impossible not to believe him, but Greg had no idea what Ray
was thinking.
a chance, and hoping he wasn’t going to make a fool of himself, Ray opened up
to what was in his heart. “When you said you wanted to date me, did you really
mean it?”
course I did, but I meant more than that.” Greg palmed the side of Ray’s jaw
and then used his thumb to skim along Ray’s bottom lip. He hesitated a moment
and then briefly pressed his lips to Ray’s. “You know when you meet someone for
the first time, and you just know he’s the one? Well that happened to me. If
I’d met you in the middle of a crowded bar or sitting alone on a beach, I would
have known you were meant for me. Being here hasn’t changed that. In fact I
think I would have told you sooner if we hadn’t been under so much pressure.”
by Greg’s admission, Ray seriously had to give himself a couple of seconds to
get his brain working. “But you don’t even know what I look like. Not really.”
matter. I know who you are inside, and that’s what matters most.”
the cocoon Greg created, it was hard to think beyond anything that might happen
outside it, but Ray’s romantic soul refused to turn down a proposal like that.
He nodded and then broke out into a smile. “I’ve got black hair and dark blue
eyes. Just in case you’re interested.”
light laugh held a note of relief in it, but the strength of his arms as he
pulled Ray in tight spoke of confidence. “My eyes are brown, and so is my hair.
Nothing special, but I don’t think that matters to you either, does it?”
I like what’s in here.” Ray placed his hand over Greg’s heart and felt the
strong, steady beat beneath his palm. He’d never felt so comfortable with
anyone before, so at ease, but he honestly couldn’t wait until they were free
of this room, free to get to know each other properly. He leaned in for a small
kiss and then settled within the circle of Greg’s embrace.
guess when we wake up we’ll be out of here, right?”
That’s what happened to the other guys. None of them remembered anything
between the time they fulfilled the abductors’ demands and regaining
consciousness in the park. Obviously they weren’t happy about what had
happened, however apart from that they all woke up safe and sound.”
let’s hope we do too.”
worry, we will. Just stay positive, like you’ve been.” The tiny squeeze of
Greg’s hand on his was meant as encouragement, but for some reason Ray couldn’t
shake the feeling this wasn’t going to go the way they hoped. He closed his
eyes, shutting out the small light that had barely given them any illumination,
and then listened to Greg’s even breathing, allowing it to calm his mounting
nerves and slowly lull him to sleep.
light and a cacophony of noise pierced Ray’s senses. He winced and then quickly
threw his arm over his eyes to shield them before realizing there shouldn’t be
any light, and that the blaring horns and rumbling engines he could hear close
by were not the soft, rhythmic breaths of the man he’d fallen asleep next to.
Figuring out he was out of the dark, tomb-like room took all of two seconds,
but as he carefully opened his eyes and glanced around the small alley he now
found himself in, he figured out something else. Greg wasn’t with him.
hit Ray harder than it had when he’d first woken up in the straw-filled room.
He quickly stood up—ignoring the pain in his shoulders and the sick nausea that
almost had him doubling over—and staggered toward the end of the ally, checking
every nook and cranny to make sure Greg hadn’t been dumped further away. However,
as he desperately searched, Ray knew he wasn’t going to find him; some sixth
sense told him Greg was nowhere close.
turned at the sound of the voice behind him, his heart hammering as he sought
out the caller.
can’t be here.”
blinked. “I don’t know where I am,” he said, his disappointment a sharp pain in
his chest as he spotted someone who wasn’t Greg standing a few feet away. He
hurriedly explored his pockets, frustration turning to anger when he couldn’t
find his phone.
need to call the police.”
The stranger took a few steps toward him, but Ray held up his hand, as if
warding off a possible threat. He didn’t want anyone getting close to him, too
afraid, too uncertain.
was attacked,” he said. “And my friend is missing. I can’t find him.” Ray heard
the panic in his voice, and knew the other guy did too.
okay. I’ll call them now for you.”
Ray glanced around him again. It would have been easy to dump him here. There
didn’t seem to be any apartments or dwellings nearby, therefore no one to see
anything untoward, but why not the park, why hadn’t he been dumped where he’d
been taken, or was the park still being monitored by Greg’s team?
close is the park?” Ray asked, suddenly realizing Greg may have been left there.
one near Oxford Street.”
over the road.”
took off running, not caring for his own safety as he crossed the busy two lane
traffic, his thoughts centered on Greg and getting to him. If Greg had recently
woken up he might be feeling the same fear; wondering where Ray was. That
knowledge spurred Ray on, but as he hit the edge of the park he had no idea
where he was supposed to start looking. He had no memory of how far in he’d
gotten before he’d been abducted, and he didn’t even know from which side he’d
entered that night.
again he felt fear slam into him, but he knew he had to hold it together—for
damn it. Think.” He took a slow deep breath, trying to gain a small measure of
composure. It didn’t seem to slow his heart down any, but he was able to notice
a group of people to his right, so deciding it was as good a place as any to
start, he headed that way.
was within a few feet when a short man of around fifty years of age quickly
approached him.
stopped, fear trickling down his spine. Shit, was he ever going to trust anyone
other than Greg again? Forcing himself to not retreat, he nodded. “Yes.”
detective Tom Straub. We’ve been directed to come here and look for you. You
were abducted, right?”
these men must be part of Greg’s team, Ray felt his legs go weak with relief.
“Where is he? Is he all right?” Had Greg been injured, was that why he wasn’t
man’s expression turned careful, and he glanced toward the other two men who
stood a couple of feet away. “Are you talking about Greg?”
of course.” Not liking the way all three men were now looking at him, Ray
bristled, but then fear reared its ugly head again. “Is he all right?”
don’t know.”
do you mean?” The lack of food, water and proper sleep caught up to Ray so fast
his head spun. He blinked, trying to understand what he was hearing while
trying not to fall down.
don’t you come with us to the station? I’m sure you’ll want to file an assault
not until we find Greg first.” Why weren’t they searching for him? What was
going on?
I really think you need to come down to the station with us.” Detective Straub
put out a hand and grasped Ray’s arm. “You’ve been through a lot, and you’re going
to need some medical attention. We can have someone meet us down there.”
fine,” Ray argued. “But if you don’t know where the hell Greg is, then he may
not be. They may still have him.” The last he whispered, sick at the thought of
Greg still being held prisoner. “Please, we need to find him.”
he’s already at the police station. Maybe he’s there looking for you.”
there was one thing Ray recognized, it was a patronizing tone. “If you think
he’s there, then go and check, but I’m not going anywhere until we find him.”
Anger outstripped Ray’s fear and he poked the detective in the chest, ignoring
the threatening stance of one of the other men. “You should have been keeping a
closer eye on him. Where was his backup?”
let him get snatched three streets away. What kind of cop does that to
think Greg was a cop?”
was the way the man said it that caught Ray’s attention. He seemed genuinely
surprised, and confused.
yes. He told me.”
you believed him?”
wouldn’t I?” Lightheaded, Ray wasn’t sure if he was comprehending the
detective’s question. “We talked for days, discussed every minute detail of our
lives. He was genuine, and nice, and… He wasn’t lying, there wasn’t any need
was if he’s the one who abducted you.”
his head, Ray took a step back. “No. He was taken, imprisoned like me. We had
no food or water. He tried to hold out, told me we wouldn’t do anything, but
I—” Ray linked his fingers behind his neck and bent almost double as weakness
overcame him. “I couldn’t last, and there was only one way to get out. I made
the first move.” Ray took a deep breath before straightening up and meeting
Detective Straub’s pale eyes. “I wasn’t forced,” he said.
were under duress. You may not have realized what he was doing.” Though said
with compassion, the detective seemed unconvinced, as if Ray should have known
exactly what Greg was doing. “The video shows—”
seen it?” Though Ray knew there was a distinct possibility a video had been
made and it would have been uploaded onto the net, he’d been hoping it may have
gone unnoticed, but to know this man had viewed it…
needed to as part of our ongoing investigation, which is why we know the man
you call Greg isn’t a part of the investigative team. We don’t know who he is.”
you heard of Stockholm Syndrome?”
lifted his head from the desk and stared at the detective sitting in front of
him. He’d forgotten his name, Josh, or something. He’d been one of the men at
the park, and though while there he hadn’t said a word, now he insisted on
talking when Ray would have been happy for him to keep his mouth shut.
I’ve heard of it, and that isn’t what happened.” Irritation flared across his
nerves because though Josh—or whatever his name was—loved to talk, he wasn’t
listening. “I know the difference between someone lying and someone being
completely honest with me.”
you know I’m telling you the truth about this Greg not being a cop.”
sighed, beginning to hate Josh’s insistence he’d been duped. “Can I see the
video now? You promised I’d get a chance.”
nothing on there, other than you two—” There was a light blush to the
detective’s cheeks, which caused a darker one to grace Ray’s own, but he wasn’t
concerned about their embarrassment, only about Greg’s safety.
might be. If it was taken with special lenses to overcome the darkness, it may
have picked up something you’ve missed, something about where we were held.”
don’t think we’ve looked?”
just give me a chance to look too.” Ray glanced at the bottle of water sitting
on the table; it’s condensation had long since dried up, but Ray knew the water
would be cool, and refreshing, and that it would help replace his rapidly
dwindling energy levels, but he’d be damned if he took care of his needs before
he’d secured Greg’s. “He’s still down there, and he’s suffering.”
if he’s not? What if he’s getting ready to kidnap someone else?”
hashed out that line of inquiry more times than Ray wanted to think about, but
he shook his head, refusing to be persuaded. “Then all the more reason to check
out the video, and find out where the victims had been held.”
held up his hands. “Fine, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.” He got up from the
table and exited through the open doorway, shaking his head as he did so.
sat back against his chair, exhaustion beginning to sap what mental strength he
had left. He shook it off, determined not to succumb to despair or doubt. Greg
had been genuine, Ray was positive about that, but why did the police insist he
didn’t work for them? It wasn’t as if they could be wrong, so what were they
trying to hide?
back to the conversations he had with Greg, the only thing that kept popping up
was the fact that he was taken at a different location from the park; a
complete contrast from the kidnappers’ previous setup. Why? Did they know Greg
was a cop, and if so, what was their reason for taking him?
the detective came back he was accompanied by Tom Straub, who looked as grim as
Ray felt. “Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked.
Try to find a man who kept me from going insane while I was imprisoned in a
dark twelve by twelve cell? I don’t know. What do you think?” Sarcasm wasn’t
Ray’s strongest suit, but he thought he’d pulled it off when Straub frowned.
just don’t want you to be traumatized any further. Seeing this might not be
will if we find him.” Ray almost pushed up from the chair to put himself at
equal height with the detective, but he didn’t have any energy left. Instead he
placed his palms on the table and counted to three—ten being out of reach.
“Just play the damn thing.”
nodded to Josh, who clicked on a remote control. The television on the wall
came to life, and after a couple of seconds, images flickered across its
screen. Ray focused on it, lost in the confusion of dark shadows until he
spotted movement on the left. In eerie silence Ray watched himself tiptoe over
to where Greg lay, and then crawl in beside him. The scene played out as he
remembered, but without sound. He figured the detectives had deliberately
turned it off—because who wanted to hear two men moan as they had sex.
Ray quickly stood, ignoring a wave of dizziness as he did so. He pointed to the
screen, to the far left of where both he and Greg lay tangled in each other’s
arms. Josh paused the video, and Ray stepped up close to the television. “On
the wall. What’s that writing?”
zoomed in until the lettering was clear. “E.L. Bakeries.”
why didn’t we see that before? Check it out, now!”
it.” Josh ran out the room, muttering as he went.
turned to Ray. “That might lead us somewhere.”
better lead you to Greg, but why—” Ray stopped. What if Detective Straub was in
on it? What if they all were? Maybe Greg had found out something and they were
trying to keep him quiet? Accepting that may be unrealistic, Ray was still
unable to shake off the feeling there was more to Greg’s abduction than anyone
realized. Head pounding, he stared at the larger than life image of Greg on the
haven’t they let you go? Why are you so special?”
he is a cop.”
twisted to see Josh walk into the room with a folder in his hands. He passed it
over to Straub, a sheepish expression across his face. “I just pulled this up.
Gregory Alan Marshall, undercover, and on loan from out west. The captain’s
chewed my ass, said we should have known, but Detective Marshall only shipped
in two days before he was taken, and the team he was working with kept it quiet
because they suspected an inside job. Stupid if you ask me. We could have
helped search for him.”
back on saying I told you so, though every inch of him felt like shouting it,
Ray focused on the reason Josh had left the room in the first place. “Did you
find anything on that bakery?”
used to operate in what’s now an abandoned warehouse just south of the city.
I’ve got the address, and I’m joining a team that’s already on their way.”
going with you.” Ray started toward the detective, determined not to let the
other man put him off, but just as Josh started to shake his head, his phone
went off. He answered it, his gaze leveled on Ray.
How bad? Okay, I’ll ask Straub to meet them there. I’m still going to the site.”
mixed with another twist of fear had Ray close to losing it. What was going on?
He was about to demand answers when Josh ended the call.
Marshall has been taken to hospital. They found him, alive but—”
take you,” Straub said. He glanced at Ray, apology clearly written in his eyes.
Right then Ray didn’t care. It was Greg who deserved any and all apologies.
They’d wasted so much time…
bad is he?” Ray quickly asked of Josh as dread filled his stomach.
shook his head. “You’d better get down there.”
closed eyes and pale face said more to Ray than the doctor’s explanation of
Greg’s condition. There was none of the vitality Ray had come to rely on, none
of the strength. He looked exhausted, vulnerable, broken.
sat down on the chair beside Greg, wanting to reach out and touch him, but
scared of waking him. The doctor had warned him that Greg needed rest; that the
drugs pumped into him had taken their toll.
sorry,” he whispered, though he knew there was nothing he could have done to
stop what had happened to Greg. “They told me you were found with a needle in
your arm, and because of that the guys who kidnapped us are now wanted for
attempted murder. They must have known you were an undercover detective. That’s
what everyone is thinking anyway. The only problem is no one knows how that
plays into things. They’re working on it, so don’t worry about it right now.
Just work on getting better. Please.”
small sound behind Ray had him turning around. Detective Straub stood at the
door, looking as if he wasn’t sure he should interrupt.
you found out anything?” Ray asked, keeping his tone light.
waved a folder in his hands. “The toxicology report came back.”
absently rubbed the spot on his arm where they’d taken his blood. “And?”
was similar to a date drug. Your levels were low, but Detective Marshall’s were
way off the charts.”
that what he was overdosed with?”
and…other stuff.”
he going to be all right?” Ray stared at Greg’s pale face again, desperately
wanting reassurance.
came in and stood next to him. “The doctors assured me there shouldn’t be any
lasting effects.”
was what Ray wanted to hear, but he still wasn’t happy. “How did they drug us?
No one bought me a drink at the bar, and Greg told me he’d only had bottled
water before he was snatched. And don’t forget neither of us had access to
anything prior to me being released.”
Swift is still investigating that, but it seems there was some sort of gas
bottle at the abandoned warehouse.”
we were held?”
nodded. “They found a trapdoor at the top of a storeroom with a block and
tackle type rigging. Looks like you and Marshall were lowered inside.”
bit of news wasn’t surprising. He and Greg had figured that out once it was
obvious there was no other way in. It had also explained their sore shoulders.
“So they sprayed us with something to knock us out, let me go, but kept Greg.
don’t know yet.”
wasn’t sure about that, there was something they weren’t telling him, but he
reckoned he wasn’t going to be privy to an answer. No doubt when Greg woke he’d
demand one. Until then, Ray wasn’t going to let Greg out of his sight.
not your responsibility, you know.” Straub looked down at Greg, a frown
creasing his brow, as if he didn’t understand Ray’s need to be there.
he is. He made me his responsibility when we were stuck in that room, so
now he’s mine, but it’s more than that. We got to know each other. We discussed
our pasts, our futures. Our likes and dislikes. We even laughed, believe it or
not. He was kind, and sincere, and he didn’t make me feel awkward or
embarrassed. In fact he gave me purpose, and that’s to prove I’m worthy of his
are.” The softy spoken words almost gave Ray a heart attack. He swung round to
see Greg looking at him, his brown eyes clear and focused. “But I thought we’d
agreed to go beyond that.”
his heart rate settled, Ray moved in to grasp Greg’s hand. “Hey. How are you?”
now that I know you’re safe. When I woke up and you weren’t there…” Greg took a
deep breath, but then smiled. “Looks like you did better than me.”
sure how much the doctors had told him, if anything, Ray just nodded, not
wanting to explain why just yet; all that could come later. “We’ll both be out
of here soon.”
then we can go on that date.”
he’d kind of expected it, Ray was still delighted Greg had mentioned his
proposal. “Of course.” He grinned, completely vindicated for trusting Greg,
despite Detective’s Straub and Swift’s attempts to dissuade him.
Greg closed his eyes, and he seemed to sink deep into the pillow behind him.
“That’s good.”
onto Greg’s hand, Ray moved in a little closer. “Rest,” he said. “And when you
wake up, I’ll be here. I promise.”
twitch of Greg’s mouth was all he could give in response, but it was enough.
Ray leaned in and ran his lips softly across Greg’s knuckles, and then he lay
his head on the bed, allowing himself the same rest he’d just ordered Greg to
take. “I promise.”
he’d barely got the door open, Ray grabbed Greg’s arm and dragged him inside,
and then before Greg had a chance to say anything, Ray mashed their lips
together, taking the kiss he’d been longing for all week. Greg responded by
opening up to him, allowing Ray to delve deeper, and Ray took full advantage,
pushing Greg up against the wall while kicking the door closed.
slowly took his fill, reveling the taste of Greg’s mouth and the firm softness
of his lips, and then when marginally satisfied, he pulled back.
I love how you say hello,” Greg said, laughter filling his warm, dark eyes.
missed you.” Looking up at him, Ray tried not to let his unhappiness show. He
hated that Greg lived so far away. Seeing him only on weekends wasn’t enough,
and when Greg was here, all Ray kept thinking about was when Greg had to leave.
It had been difficult enough at the beginning when they were still getting to
know one another, but it had become increasingly harder the more Ray allowed
his emotions to grow.
miss you too, which is why there’s something I want to talk to you about.” Greg
laced his hands behind Ray’s back, pulling him close. “I put in for a transfer,
and it was accepted.”
did? When? Why didn’t you tell me?”
didn’t want to get your hopes up, or mine. But now it’s official. I start in a
week, so that’ll give me time to settle in here.”
As in the city?”
gleam in Greg’s eyes should have warned Ray, but he was still digesting Greg’s
news about moving closer. In the past six months he’d often thought about
changing jobs so he could see more of Greg, but he hadn’t been completely sure
how Greg would take it. After everything they’d been through, after all the
time they spent together, he knew Greg felt something for him, but he wasn’t
sure how deep it went.
Here, as in this apartment.”
me?” Ray heard his voice go up an octave, and he quickly tamped down his
excitement and surprise. “I mean, of course, if you want to.”
do want to, just as much as I know you want me to. Your hints haven’t exactly
been subtle.” Greg grinned, his mouth wide, his eyes bright. “And I can’t stand
being away from you. It’s killing me only seeing you two nights a week.”
swallowed the hard lump in his throat, wondering if Greg realized how much
those words meant to him. When Greg moved in for a soft kiss, he reckoned Greg
knew exactly what they meant. He slid his arms around Greg’s neck, intending to
deepen the kiss, but Greg stopped him.
more thing before we christen that new king-sized bed you just got delivered.”
At once Greg’s face grew somber. “They got twenty years each.”
really wanting to discuss the conviction of the two men who had abducted and
then almost killed Greg, Ray merely nodded. He’d opted out of attending the
final hearing, knowing he’d be unable to hide the anger still boiling within
over,” Greg said, pushing a loose strand of Ray’s hair away from his face. “So
now we can forget about it.”
never forget, or forgive them. There hadn’t been any need to try and kill you.”
doesn’t matter. What matters is they didn’t succeed.”
know, but still, when they found out you were a cop they should have just let
you go instead of trying to make sure you couldn’t talk, and that guy…” Ray
couldn’t even say his name without shuddering. “How could he think you’d want
him after what he did to you?”
please don’t worry about it anymore, okay? I’m alive, you’re alive. I love you,
snapped his gaze up to meet Greg’s eyes. “Say that again.” Oh, he better had
heard right, and Greg had better have meant what he said.
mean the ‘I love you’ part?”
that part.”
looked down at him, a little smugness flitting about the edges of his mouth.
“Only if you say it first.”
that he knew Greg’s response, it was easy to utter the words that had been in
his heart for weeks. “Gregory Alan Marshall, from the moment you held me in
your arms and told me I’d be safe, you became the most important person in my
life. I trusted you then and I trust you now, with both my life and my heart.”
Ray took a slow, deep breath, then smiled. “And I love you too.”
heat in Greg’s eyes set Ray’s veins on fire. He groaned, knowing full well what
was going to come next. Greg linked their hands together and started pulling
him toward what was now their bedroom.
want you to ride me,” Greg said, his voice deep and gritty as he began peeling
Ray’s T-shirt off him. “I want to watch you coming. I want to see everything.”
wasn’t going to argue. He loved it when Greg got all demanding, especially when
he added impatience into the mix. He opened Greg’s belt buckle, and went for
the fiddly fly buttons, quickly slipping his hand inside and palming Greg’s
heavy balls. Greg moaned and doubled his efforts to rip Ray’s clothes off him.
He got Ray’s jeans halfway down his legs before Ray decided it was probably
best they actually got on the bed.
shuffled backward, his jeans constricting his movements. Greg followed, not
that he had much choice considering Ray wasn’t releasing his prize.
going to have to let go of me, just for a second,” Greg said, though it didn’t
look like he relished the idea of Ray removing his hand.
merely grinned, squirming out of his jeans and pushing Greg’s down while
sliding backward until he was in the middle of the bed. Greg landed on top of
him, his shirt still tangled about his arms.
that works.”
Ray reached back with his free hand and grabbed the bottle of lube he’d already
had sitting there. Ray could never wait to make love after being apart all
week. Knowing Greg felt the same way, Ray didn’t worry about appearing
over-eager. Not anymore.
me up,” he instructed, passing the lube to Greg.
little hitch of breath sent butterflies rippling through Ray’s stomach. It
still amazed him that Greg experienced an elevated level of pleasure while
stretching him, but that was probably because while Greg had a finger in his
ass, Ray busied himself sucking on Greg’s balls.
was quick to comply, ridding himself of his shirt before carefully moving into
position. Ray guided him, spreading his legs at the same time he spread Greg’s.
When a pair of swollen balls were dangling above his mouth, Ray instantly
pulled them down, his grip light enough not to hurt, but strong enough that
Greg lowered his hips until Ray had him exactly where he wanted him.
experience he knew he wasn’t going to get too much play time, so he delved
right in, lapping at Greg’s balls, relishing the taste and texture, and the
warmth that spread through his chest as he indulged in an innate need he
neither wanted to question or deny.
Greg started smearing lube across his hole, Ray shifted to allow him better
access. He loved it when Greg showed just how aroused he was, and by the way
Greg was pushing the lube inside him, he was already close to the edge. Mindful
of how vulnerable Greg was right now, Ray slowed his ministrations. Greg
continued to stretch him, using two fingers then three before groaning.
I need you.”
took one last swipe with his tongue before pushing up on Greg’s hips to put him
on his back. Greg grabbed him around the waist and pulled until he was
straddling Greg’s hips, and then before Ray really had a chance to adjust to
his new position, Greg started to press inside, slowly, but with intent.
too long, and you just told me you love me, so I’m going to come pretty quick.
laughed, more by the look on Greg’s face than anything else. His dark eyes were
narrowed, and he was biting his bottom lip in concentration.
okay. You can finish me off later if you want,” Ray offered.
I want you with me.” Greg slid his hands over Ray’s thighs and then gently
grasped Ray’s hard cock. Ray moaned as a strong throb of need rush through him,
suddenly deciding he wanted to be with Greg too. As Greg began thrusting, Ray
rocked forward, putting himself at that perfect angle they’d refined over the
past few months.
sizzle of electricity set his skin alight, and as Greg continued to drive into
him hard and fast, Ray started to come undone at the edges. However, it wasn’t
just the physical sensation of Greg inside him that had Ray nearing orgasm, it
was knowing Greg found him irresistible, and had done since the beginning. It
was also Greg’s strength and kindness, his warm humor, and the fact that he
wasn’t afraid to show or say what he was feeling.
he groaned, letting Greg know he was almost there.
soon, but—” Greg sucked in a deep breath, and then shuddered. “Fuck.”
gripped Ray’s hips, holding him with fingers that were almost bruising. His
back arched off the bed, and it was at that point Ray took control. He slammed
down, forcing Greg deeper while transferring one hand to his aching cock. With
a few short strokes he was coming, his body twisting in ecstasy, every muscle
tight, every nerve screaming.
unable to focus on much else, Ray was still aware when Greg flooded his hole
with cum. He whimpered, completely overwhelmed, realizing they hadn’t used
protection, but knowing it simply meant their commitment to each other was
pulled him down, enfolding him in his arms. “That was pretty intense,” he
think. I don’t remember ever coming so hard.”
little chuckle eased itself from Greg’s throat, and then he rolled over to the
side, dumping Ray next to him. He used the small towel Ray kept close by to
wipe them both off before landing a small kiss on Ray’s lips.
only going to get better,” he said.
It is.”
lay there, warm and comfortable in Greg’s embrace, close to falling asleep,
when a small movement caught his eye. He got up off the bed and padded to the
big window that dominated one wall. The city lights glittered below, along with
the beautiful harbor view. It was nearing night, and soon those lights would
filter through the sheer curtains that billowed softly in the breeze. Ray
looked out, loving how unconfined and free that view made him feel, but then he
turned and looked back at Greg laying replete in his bed, and decided that
view was better than anything he could hope or wish for.
closed the window, and strolled back to bed, snuggling down in Greg’s arms once
again. This time, however, he no longer had to worry about waking up and not
finding Greg still beside him. From now on Greg would always be there.
Awesome story! Thanks for posting.
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome! I hope you liked it. :)
DeleteLove how this story turned out. Thanks for finishing it.
ReplyDeleteThank you for reading it! :)